Platinum electrode clamp


    Product name: Platinum electrode clip

    Product Material: Built in Platinum Sheet, PTFE Rod

    Product size:

    1. Built in 10 * 10mm platinum electrode clip, rod: diameter 6mm, length 80m
    2. Built in 10 * 15mm platinum electrode clip, rod: diameter 6mm, length 80mm
    3. Built in 10 * 15mm platinum electrode clip, rod: diameter 6mm, length 100mm
    Product Introduction: 1. Good conductivity, can be easily replaced with samples, built-in conductive platinum sheets, cannot be used as working samples;
    Work samples need to be provided by oneself (sample thickness is within 3mm)
    2. Not resistant to high temperatures, it is recommended to operate at room temperature and pressure
    3. The internal conductive group of the conventional electrode clamp is copper. After soaking in strong acids and alkalis for a long time, the solution will penetrate into the rod. Pure platinum wire conductive electrode clamps can be selected